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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today in class I found out we have a test on Thursday. We went over the answers to a handout we did in class today. I got most of the answers right so I'm feeling pretty good about Thursday's test.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today in class we went over the tests. Everyone turned in their essays on time today too. This is just a reminder that i'm not going to be in school Thursday or Friday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today in class we got to review each others papers. Rita, Colleen and Cole reviewed mine. They all gave me some good ideas on how to make my paper better! I hope i get a good grade on this paper because i worked really hard and it could really help my grade in this class.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here. We got to work on our essays. I got mine almost done. I think it's pretty good so far.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today we took a test. Then we got assigned to write an essay on the difference between the roman empire and roman republic. It has to be 500 words meaning 475- 650.  It needs to be 12 size font in times new roman. It needs to be typed and handed in by Wednesday. Bring it in tuesday or else you lose 20 points.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby on his leg on a dolphin is Cupid.

Meanwhile - religious troubles

  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
  • romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god.
  • ad 66: a group of Jews called the zealots tried to rebel, but roman troops put them down and burned their temple, except for one wall)
  • the western wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines
  • half a million Jews died in the rebellion.
Persecution of Christians
  • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor
  • especially Christians, who were vied as followers of new, upstart religion (cult)
  • often used for entertainment purposes in the Colosseum (thrown to the lions, etc)
  • despite the oppression, Christianity grew quickly- by ad 200 around 10 percent of the people in the Roman empire were Christians.
  • no one wanted to say they were a Christians

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Augustus- the first emperor- getting it done

  • begins the pax  romana- the roman peace
    • begins with Augustus
      • quit trying to conquer
      • focused on the empire
  • built roads, aqueducts (brought water to the cities)
    • good for transportation
    • good for security
    • could get fresh water into the city
  • set up civil service to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service
    • took care of roads
    • got stuff where it needed to be
    • taxes used to maintain the city
  • Augustus dies at age 76 in AD 41,  and passes power to Tiberius.
From Jesus to Christianity
  • Jesus was a roman citizen and a practicing Jew.
    • lived in a roman province
    • born in Judea
    • lived in an area controlled by romans
    • observed the passover- plenty in the bible
    • only know about him from what's in the gospel
    • a lot of guys like Jesus
  • at 30, he began his ministry preaching to the poor in the empire and reaching out to outsiders
    • focused on the poor because there we so many of them
    • tried to make them feel like someone was looking out for them (god)
    • was non violent and non confrontational
  • statements like "my kingdom is one of this world" made the Romans (and the Jews) nervous and they began to plan his execution
    • Romans only had the right to execute Jesus
    • religious people didn't execute people
The word spreads about the risen Jesus.
  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about Jesus life, death, resurrection, and message
  • he travels far and wide: Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and maybe even Spain and Britain
    • spread the word of jesus
  • He writes letters to many of those he spoke to- these epistles are a part of the New Testament
  • if not for the efforts of Paul, it is likely that Jesus remains an obscure preacher instead of the central figure of the world's largest religon
The 100: A ranking of the Most influential personsin history
  1. Muhammad
  2. Sir Isaac newton
    1. only non religous person
  3. Jesus
  4. Buddha
    1. started a relgion
  5. Confucius
    1. founded the biggest religon in china
  6. st. Paul of tarsus
Back to Tiberius
  • As augustus' stepson and adopted son, Tiberius succeeded Octavian
    • Octavian had other people in mind but since he was so old the other people died.
    • forced into it
  • Although a great general, he was a dark, somber, reclusive, and reluctant emporer.
  • He referred to the Senate as "Men fit to be slaves"
    • not a good thing to compare
  • germinacus started out as Tiberius' ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny, but when it looked like he would suceed Tiberius, he god paranoid and had Germanicus killed
  • died in ad 37 at the age of 77, giving way
Caligula - good start...
  • in addition to being Germanicus' son, he was Tiberius' adopted grandson and a great nephew
    • putting him next in line for emperor
  • he started off well: granting bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a public record
  • all in all the first seven months of Caligula's reign were "completely blissful" then...
...Bad finish for Caligula
  • he began to fight with the senate
  • he claimed to be a god, and had statues displayed in many places - including the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
    • wasn't as weird as you would think
      • got weird when he asked for his statue to be going into other religious places of worship
  • tried to make his horse a consul
  • rode his horse across a river after someone made a remark
Next in line: Claudius
  • ostracized by his family because of his disabilities, he was the last adult male in his family when Caligula was killed
  • He rose to the occasion: he conquered Britain; he built roads, canals, and aqueducts; he renovated the Circus Maximus
  • Had an awful marriage to Messalina, who was quite often unfaithful to him, even plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup - so Claudius had them killed

Friday, May 13, 2011

·         Itinerate preacher
·         Told them not to worry about eating and what they were wearing
·         Speaks of the rule of god
o   Relieve and hope for poor
·         Spoke to a lot of people
·         Said god is going to do something about the situation
·         Drove him out of town
o   Brought him to a cliff and threatened to throw him over the hill
·         Told people to follow him
·         Yr. 33
o   Traveled to Jerusalem
o   Went with pilgrims
o   Jesus was appalled at the pilgrims wanting animals to sacrifice
o   Commanded them to leave
·         Jesus was arrested
o   Probably for political subversion
·         Became emperor
·         25 years old
·         Tiberius dead
·         At first lived up to expectations
·         Went to invade Britain
o   Commanded them to gather seashells
·         Ill the previous year
·         Suffered from by polar behavior
·         Went to sacrifice a sheep
o   Went to kill the animal
§  Missed and hit a priest and killed him
·         Ordered a statue carved showing himself as a god
·         Planned to build it in the temple of Jerusalem
o   Ultimate sac religion
·         Ill when he was a child
·         Disfigured for the rest of his life
·         Claudius became the heir  of Augustus
·         Increased women rights
·         Apologized
·         Roman senate resisted new people
·         Won and took another step towards intrigation
·         Weak spot was his wife
o   Didn’t like him
o   Had affairs
o   Had an affair with a noble men
·         Ordered men to kill her
o   found her with her mother
·         he began to lose his grip

Thursday, May 12, 2011


  • Octavian's adopted son
  • took over for Octavian
  • forced to divorce and marry emperor
  • didn't expect to become emperor

  • nice, young, respected
  • tries to fix army
  • little 2 year old
  • called him Bootsie
  • dad died-poisoned
    • dad was Granicus
  • imprisoned his own brothers

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

today in class we watched a movie. we took notes on paper so i don't have any notes to put on here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today in class I took the Rome test. I think I did okay on it. After i took the test we went over 2 other tests we just got back.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

  • there were huge socioeconomic effects from the huge change in wealth. the wealthy started latifundia's which were plantations run with slave labor.
    • these were cheaper to run and forced farmers to sell their land and move to Rome
  • with these latifundia's, the rich kept getting richer and the poor kept getting poorer. of course the rich were happy, powerful, and greedy, but this created a corruption. the poor on the other hand were angry and caused riots.
Gracchus Brothers
  • out of these riots, rose the Gracchus brothers.
    • these brothers led movements for public good and redistribution of land.
    • they also wanted the government to supply food to the poor and create a sort of welfare.
  • the Gracchus brothers were soon seen as a threat and were killed along with their followers. this triggered a one hundred year war.
The Rubricon
  • a stream in northeastern Italy that marked the ancient boundary between Italy and Csalpine
Julius Ceaser
  • Julius ceasar started to rise in 60 BC
  • in 58 BC ceasar started his the conquest of Gaul
  • he wanted to get rich as possible
  • after his campaign Caesar decided to stay in Gaul with his army until he would be chosen as the new consul.
  • political opponents wanted him to get back to Rome and be prosecuted for the things he had done when he was a consul
  • he had made a decision that resulted in the fall of the roman republic. he lead his armies across the river of Rubicon and said the well know "Aiacton est" . he started towards Rome in January of 490
Marcus Licinius Crassus
  • he was an influential roman politician from the late republic
  • he was renowned for his enormous wealth
Julius's dead
  • stabbed 23 times when he was killed
  • last words were "et tu brute"
  • was killed on march 15.
The assassination
  • the assassination day was march 15, BC
  • 60 or more men participated in the assassination
  • words were never proven to be said
His death
  • was first stabbed by a guy named casca
  • after casca stabbed him he took casca's arm and pushed him away.
  • he tried to get up then he felt another wound and realized that he was stabbed 23 times. he then fell to the floor
  • octavian was the grand nephew and adopted son of julius ceaser
  • at 19 he was a small, sickly boy who ruled with mark antony
  • the both got revenge on the people who killed julius: over 100 senators and 2000 buisnessmen
  • got the help of lepidus

Wednesday in class mr. Schick wasn't here. we worked on our powerpoints. i think we made a lot of progress.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today in class we got new seats. We got to pick them. Mr. Schick also let us retake the second quiz again which i really appreciate because i didn't do good on the second quiz at all. I think i got a 70 or an 80 on this retake.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



tiber river
i could only upload 5 at a time