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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday in class we got 3 tests back. Then we went over the answers. I didn't do so good on the tests. It was also the end of the 3rd quarter. This year has gone by really fast. we were also assigned a project to do. we have to present to the class. i have to do greek poets and poetry.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today in class we were assigned to do a project. We have to pretty much teach the class after we come back from break. We got to select our card. I got greek poetry/poets. This counts for the fourth quater. After that we started going over our test. I passed luckily! It was really hard though.
Yesterday in class we had a test. It was a really hard test but i passed! We were allowed to use our blogs for this test. It covered the greeks. It was 58 points. It covered Themistocles, Xerxes, Athens, Mycennaeans, arete and miths etc.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


  • leader of Athens at the height of its power
  • brought democracy
  • wanted to glorify Athens.
  • aristocrat- knew what the people wanted
  • wanted Athens to be the most famous in all of history.
  • 20 years ago, Persians burned down acropolis.
    • he proposed to build it again
    • Parthenon
      • used to glorify Athens
    • used 20 talons- 2 billion
      • required 20 thousand tons of marble.
      • was completed in 15 years.
      • spiritual heart of the city
    • frieze-  an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice
  • hubris- Greek word that means arrogance
Downfall of Greece
  • 431 bc, proposes to go to war with Sparta
  • equal in power
  • if they won, it would make them the un despuited ruler of the Mediterrean
  • knew it wouldn't be easy to win
  • convinced the Athenians to retreat and hide behind the wall
  • thought that they would back down and win.
  • known as an atria
  • prostitute
  • Pericles treated her as an equal, caused a stir
    • divorced his wife for her
  • let her into the inner circle

In the acropolis
  • worlds first theater
  • popular entertainment
  • Greeks invented drama
    • comedy
    • tragedy
  • told to kill father and marry mother
  • kills father but doesn't know it's him
  • marries mother and has kids

Friday, March 18, 2011


  • realized that the persians might still be an enemy
  • trireme- state of the art ship. stacking 170 oars on three levels
    • light weight
    • free power
    • good manuverable
  • would ram other ships with the point of the boat
    • go as afast as they could go and ram into another one
    • most advanced weapon
      • take out another ship with 100s of people on it
    • exspensive
  • wants to burn athens
  • began to gather his forces
    • from everywhere
  • 2 million man army
  • set out for greece 480 bc
  • "drank rivers dry"
  • ravaging the land as they marched towards greece
  • xerxes was confident
  • greeks asked the oracle what was going to happen
    • oracle of delphi
      • built around a casam
      • would go to discover their futurE

  • fight in straight of salamis

Delian League
  • had more than 200 things
  • werent about conquering
  • athens is in charge

Thursday, March 17, 2011

  • brother was killed
    • went parinoid

  • 4000 people came to watch them
  • to win would be the highlight of your life
  • had extreme fame
    • high value
  • anyone could compete
  • athenian aristocrat
  • brought in the most powerful state
  • going to turn athens into a subject state to sparta
  • out for power
  • wants to run athens like its part of sparta
  • over 700 houses were cast, even cleisthenes house
    • had to live under dictator
      • the spartans
  • people rose up againts him and threw him out of power
    • first time that has ever been done
  • Cleisthenes took over when he came back to athens
New Leader
  • Cleisthenes took over
  • had a meeting place
  • instituded the simple vote
    • white peble for yes
    • black peble for no
  • ran alone
  • homeland about to be conquered by persian empire
  • ran for freedom
  • ran 140 miles in 2 days

Hoplites- soldier

athenians out numbered 4-1


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Greeks, Crucible of Civilization

  • 508 bc- ordinary people turned on their rulers.
  • chleisthenes wanted them to govern themselves
  • aristocrat- memeber of the ruling class
  • acropolis- athens was founded, big area of rock. 
    • could fend off the attacks of their raders
    • famrers and tradesment houses were around the acropolis
  • reading and writing was  a rare skill
  • life expantancy was less than 15 years.
  • life was tough
  • weren't slaves but they were treated as bad as slaves but they were free
    • no part or share in anything
  • aristorcats owned everything
  • athens seemed like a state that wouldn't progress
  • mountainous
  • greece was divided into city states- little nations
    • sparta
    • athens
    • corren
      • fought and had wars against each other
      • didn't get along
      • had a lot in common
        • same language
        • worshiped same god
  • athens wasn't powerful
  • lives were structured around war
  • brought up to be a military man
  • few possesions
  • cloaks died red to conceal their blood or enimies blood
  • food was bad
    • people understood why they wanted to die
  • intent on conquering
  • women had a lot of rights
    • when men were away they had to do their work
        • run farm
        • work
        • children

Elidad and Oddysey written by homer

  • mythical figures who had won them power
    • heros
  • found all over greek art
  • someone who grabs control
  • Pisistratus- cleisthenese brother in law
    • came in with a tall chick that he said was named athena
      • people believed it
      • gave him legitinacy
      • athens is named after her
        • goddes
        • zeus's daughter
    • came in and seized control

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

  • Crucible: a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical reactions
  • greeks invented a new government
    • democracy
Geograhpy of Greece
  • Mountainous peninsula
    • mountains cover 3/4 of greece
    • thats why they are seprate from each other.
  • approximately 1400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian seas
    • never more than 70 miles from the coastline
    • expert rowers
    • maintained great navys
    • know there way around the sea
  • Poor natural resources
    • only 20% of greece is suitable for farming
    • fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsua
    • lack of resources most likely led to greek colonization
    • diet consisted of grains, grapes, olives
      • made soap out of olives
      • don't grow everywhere
      • used for cooking
      • traded it
      • good for health and economy
  • Location shaped its culture
  • difficult to unite the ancient greeks because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities
  • temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer
  • began around 2000 bc
  • mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protexted by a 20 ft. thick wall
  • mycenaean kings dominated greece from 1600-1200 bc
    • controlled trade in the region
  • 1400 bc myceneans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language
Culture in Decline
  • around 1200 bc sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
  • the Dorians moved into the war-torn region
    • far less advanced
    • economy collapsed
    • writing disappeared for 400 years
Homer and Myths
  • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
  • homer lived at the end of the "greek dark ages"
  • recorded stories of the Trojan War in The IIiad and The Odyssey (written 750-700 b.c.)
    • Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaeans
  • homer was
    • blind
    • poor
Greek Concepts
  • arete
    • virute and excellence
    • do things the best you can
  • epics
    • narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
    • ties in with arete
  • myths were created to explain creation
    • Zeus: leader of the Gods
    • Hera: Zeus' wife
    • Athena: goddess of wisdom

Friday, March 11, 2011

  • Life expantacy was 15 years
  • Greece was divided into countless tiny stats called county states
  • Sparta had military power
  • coats were died red to hide their victims blood
  • Sparta had controlled more that 4,000 sqm
  • greece is in the middle of ancient civilizations
  • bounded on the east by the persian empire, on the osuth egypt, on the west the romans and ruskans
  • athenian potters began to develop a whole new design
  • worth millions of dollars

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today in class we looked at some peoples power point presentation thing. They were all really good! Mr schick also read the book in order to which PowerPoint was coming up next.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

today in class mr schicj read us a story for a little bit. Then he showed us this PowerPoint like thing project that we were to work on. It was in googledocs. It was really cool because it was like a group PowerPoint and we could go into other peoples slides! It was really fun

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today in class we took a test and then i had a guidance appointment with mr. hensley. i think i did good on this test

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday in class, we had 2 subs for the beginning of the class, and then Mr. Schick came in. While we had the subs, we went over the prezi. When Mr.Schick came in, he went over it in more detail.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yesterday in class Mr. Schick wasn't here because he is in the play, so we had a sub. I finished and went over the Prezi he made.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

  • Egyptian life is centered around the nile river.
  • Delta- triangular area of great soil
  • water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing, for traveling
  • every July it floods
  • every October it leaves behind rich soil.
  • figured out a solar based day
  • lunar based month
  • solar based year
  • flows from south to north
  • managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation
  1. Pharoah
  2. government officials
  3. soldiers
  4. scribes
  5. merchants
  6. artisans
  7. farmers
  8. slaves and servants
  • slaves/servants helped the wealthy with the household and childraising duties
  • farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions - benefitted from irigation of the Nile
  • guys would wear eye makeup if they could afford it to protect their eyes from the sun. like football players. reduces glare
  • artisans would carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the after life

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today in class I had to make up a test, so i wan't really in the classroom that much. When i came back, they were reviewing the test.

Essay for test

It is very important to have a food surplus. When you have a food surplus you don’t have to worry as much about having food for the upcoming days. Also, you don’t have to have all of your workers working on farming.
When you have a food surplus you don’t have to worry as much about having food for the upcoming days.  Many small villages or civilizations would often worry about having food for the upcoming week to feed everyone. They would then have to work harder to make sure they have enough. When they do have a surplus they don’t have to worry anymore which removes some stress from them.
When you have a surplus of food, you don’t have to have all of your workers working on farming. Some of your workers may know other traits and could help with hunting or something else. This can be very helpful because you can get ahead in whatever they helped in.
In conclusion, it is very helpful to have a food surplus. You can get ahead in other parts such as advancing your village. You also don’t have to worry about having food so it makes your day a lot easier. I think that it is very good to have a food surplus.