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Thursday, March 17, 2011

  • brother was killed
    • went parinoid

  • 4000 people came to watch them
  • to win would be the highlight of your life
  • had extreme fame
    • high value
  • anyone could compete
  • athenian aristocrat
  • brought in the most powerful state
  • going to turn athens into a subject state to sparta
  • out for power
  • wants to run athens like its part of sparta
  • over 700 houses were cast, even cleisthenes house
    • had to live under dictator
      • the spartans
  • people rose up againts him and threw him out of power
    • first time that has ever been done
  • Cleisthenes took over when he came back to athens
New Leader
  • Cleisthenes took over
  • had a meeting place
  • instituded the simple vote
    • white peble for yes
    • black peble for no
  • ran alone
  • homeland about to be conquered by persian empire
  • ran for freedom
  • ran 140 miles in 2 days

Hoplites- soldier

athenians out numbered 4-1


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