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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday in class we talked to a girl from Egypt. We all asked her a question and she answered. She was very nice and answered everything and gave her opinions.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 questions

1. Did you join any of the groups on facebook?
2. Has your life changed at all?
3. What do you expect for your next leader/ president to do differently?
4. Does your family feel differntly than you do?
5. Who do you want to be the next president?
6. Does your country already have an idea of who they want to be president?
7. Did you have any encountarments with the police?
8. Why did you join this revolution?
9. How did it feel when your leader stepped down?
10. If he was the only leader around in your life time, how did you know that you wanted someone else? How do you know that the new leader will be different?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today in class everyone presented their raps/songs in front of the whole class. Pretty much everyone preformed theirs except two people. It was a lot of fun. I wasn't expecting to perform mine but everyone convinced me to go up, so I did. It was a reallllyyy bad song.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Pyramids- They have trap doors to keep robbers out. Egyptians believed Pharaohs were gods so they built the pyramids as tombs for them, the first pyramid was the step pyramid at saqqara built for king zoser in 2750 BC.

Pharaohs- life of Pharaohs was filled with power, glory, murder, deceit and mystery.
 Pharaohs were considered to be both divine deities as well as mortal rulers.
170 or more rulers ruled over Egypt over a 30 year time span.

clothing- to display their power and association with the gods, the pharaohs wore different clothes than the nobles and the common people

pharisees- several women ruled as Pharaohs of Egypt.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

phariasees and pharoas

  • Pharaohs were the kings of Ancient Egypt.
  • In hieroglyphics, pharaoh means “great house” or “palace”
  • When Upper and Lower Egypt joined as one, this is when researchers mark the start of ancient Egypt – estimated around 3000 BC.
  • In ancient Egyptian times, it was the pharaoh that was the most significant individual about the land, as he owned everything associated with Egypt, including the people that resided in the country. 
  • In order to become a pharaoh, a prince had to wait until his father died before this honor could take place. 
  • During ancient Egyptian times, pharaohs were looked upon as gods. 
  • Kings of Egypt wore a double crown that took characteristics from the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and the White Crown of Upper Egypt. When in battle, a pharaoh placed a blue crown on top of their head. This item was of a different shape. 
  • It took years to finish the construction of the burial tombs that would serve as the final resting place of pharaohs. These structures were quite important to the kings, as they played a role in the development and planning of their own pyramids. 
  • The throne of Egypt was primarily intended to be succeeded from father to son, however in many cases this line of kingship was interrupted by murder, mayhem and mysterious disappearances.
  • While rulers often intermarried with daughters, granddaughters, sisters and brothers to keep the throne within the family the throne still managed to shift hands multiple times; creating a dynamic, and often, complexancient pharonic history.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Papau New Guinea

Papau New Guinea is completely different that what it was thousands of years ago. Their technology has improved and people have overall tried their best to catch up with the rest of society. Diamond does a good job of describing life in the highlands but that is not all of Papau New Guinea there is to see. Papau New Guinean's life expancy is 65 years, which in comparasion to the world is ranked 162. In Papau New Guinea, people 15 years and older can read and write. Their exports are worth almost 6 billion dollars! Their main exports are oil, gold, copper ore, logs, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, crayfish, prawns. They import about 3.5 billion dollars    worth of items. Their main imports are machinery and transport equiptment, manfactured goods, food, fuels, and chemicals. But somehow, they are 1.6 billion dollars in debt. Their unemployment rate is 1.8% compared to the United stats who have a 9.60% rate of unemployment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel

The llama was from Africa. The other 13 domesticated animals were from Europe and other countries around there. 

Some of the houses have some techniques of air conditioning. The walls were covered with plaster. People were moving to the concept of homes. Its not just a place to sleep, its a proper home. People started to decorate and invest in their homes. It's very expensive to have plaster in your house. 

As villages grew larger, there were more people to work on the farms. Some people were able to develop new skills and new technologies. Discovering limestone was a huge deal. They were able to discover steel. 

New Guinea never developed. Even today, people are working the same ways the did centuries ago! People were still using stone tools like an axe. Why didn't they develop tools by themselves? They couldn't because they were so low on food all the time they couldn't send other people out to learn how to make new items and gain skills. They spent to much time and energy feeding themselves. Then westerners arrived and used their technology to modernize their technology. They were always okay, but they never progressed. They had it good in someways, they never got cancer or had heart attacks because they were never exposed to stuff like that.

They are looking at the outcome of over exploiting the land. Unable to farm their land, entire communities were forced to move on. They pretty much lost everything. But again, geography was on their side. 

Once the crops reached Egypt, the started a huge industry. Suddenly their was enough food to feed everyone. Even the people required to build the pyramids. In the 1600's the animals were taken to the Americas where there was no wheat and no cattle. Americans consume 20 million tons of wheat a year. 

Whats more important is the hand they've been dealt. Their locations. They didn't develop the same way and the Europeans and the Americans because they didn't have the same items and weren't dealt the same card. New Guinea has been getting developed by younger New Guineans trying to catch up to the rest of the world. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel

9,000 years ago was an amazing interaction with humans and animals. 11,000 years ago they started planting plants and farming animals. When you don't have to spend all your time running around looking for stuff to eat, you can start letting people make weapons, weave things, learn how to build and etc.. Not everyone has to be worrying.

You can use animals milk and hair. The communities that first started to have domestic animals had plants. After harvest animals can eat the root that is left that they don't use. Goats and sheep were the first animals to be domesticated. There fesies were used to fertilize the crops.

Almost all farm work was done by hand.

Never domisticated the elephant. They are tamed and trained. Zebras have never been tamed. They are too wild to be tamed. He found a list of 148 and only 14 could be tamed.
  1. goats
  2. sheep
  3. pigs
  4. cows 
  5. horses
  6. donkeys
  7. camels
  8. camels.
  9. water buffalo
  10. llamas
  11. reindeer
  12. yaks
  13. mithan
  14. balli cattle.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Diamond need to identify a time before equality. When people were living the same way. He had to turn back the clock before the first civilisations. Back into prehistory. 13,000 years ago, the ravishes of the ice age were over. The World was becoming warmer.

People were striving in the middle east. The middle east had more forests, leaves and plants. They were frequently on the move, making shelters wherever they could find food. They'd live in the shelters for weeks and months as long as they could feed themselves. They would move on each season. To a new valley looking for sources of food.

Instead of just reading about this lifestyle, Jared was lucky enough to live in that lifestyle. He got to find out how they got food. You have to be smart to be a hunter.  13,000 years ago people hunted in the middle east the same way they hunt now. The thing about hunting though is that it isn't a productive way to find food. With a bow and arrows there is no certainly to find food.

Traditional societies have relied more on gathering. The gathering is done by women. Gathering is more productive way of finding food. However it still doesn't find enough food. One tree yields about 70 lbs of sago. Sago is low on protein. Can't be stored for a long time. You have to find a productive environment.

In the middle east, barley and wheat grew in between the tress. Far more plentiful than sago. 12 and a half thousand years ago the temperatures dropped and ice age conditions returned. The world became colder and dryer. The middle east suffered and environmental collapse. Herds of animals and plants died off. The drought lasted for more than 1000 years. They had to look harder to find food. Despite the conditions they would somehow survive and prosper.

Ian Kite is someone who specials in the middle east. He is a co director of the dig and works with archaeologist. They believe that where they were digging was a small village. The oldest and most advanced in the world. The village first emerged 11 and a half thousand years ago. They found a granary. A place where they are able to store grain collectively. At some point during the drought in the middle east, people started growing their own food. They would stay as close to any water they could find and plant barely around them.The people of the stone age were becoming farmers.

People would breed plants. Its a big concept but its not so different from what people were doing thousands of years ago in the middle east.

In china people grew rice. And in the Americas they grew corn. Wherever farming was usually civilations would follow and excell. However in New Guinea, that didnt happen. People had been farming in New Guinea for almost 10,000 years.

People aroudn the world who had acces to crops became the best farmers.