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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Papau New Guinea

Papau New Guinea is completely different that what it was thousands of years ago. Their technology has improved and people have overall tried their best to catch up with the rest of society. Diamond does a good job of describing life in the highlands but that is not all of Papau New Guinea there is to see. Papau New Guinean's life expancy is 65 years, which in comparasion to the world is ranked 162. In Papau New Guinea, people 15 years and older can read and write. Their exports are worth almost 6 billion dollars! Their main exports are oil, gold, copper ore, logs, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, crayfish, prawns. They import about 3.5 billion dollars    worth of items. Their main imports are machinery and transport equiptment, manfactured goods, food, fuels, and chemicals. But somehow, they are 1.6 billion dollars in debt. Their unemployment rate is 1.8% compared to the United stats who have a 9.60% rate of unemployment.

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