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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

phariasees and pharoas

  • Pharaohs were the kings of Ancient Egypt.
  • In hieroglyphics, pharaoh means “great house” or “palace”
  • When Upper and Lower Egypt joined as one, this is when researchers mark the start of ancient Egypt – estimated around 3000 BC.
  • In ancient Egyptian times, it was the pharaoh that was the most significant individual about the land, as he owned everything associated with Egypt, including the people that resided in the country. 
  • In order to become a pharaoh, a prince had to wait until his father died before this honor could take place. 
  • During ancient Egyptian times, pharaohs were looked upon as gods. 
  • Kings of Egypt wore a double crown that took characteristics from the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and the White Crown of Upper Egypt. When in battle, a pharaoh placed a blue crown on top of their head. This item was of a different shape. 
  • It took years to finish the construction of the burial tombs that would serve as the final resting place of pharaohs. These structures were quite important to the kings, as they played a role in the development and planning of their own pyramids. 
  • The throne of Egypt was primarily intended to be succeeded from father to son, however in many cases this line of kingship was interrupted by murder, mayhem and mysterious disappearances.
  • While rulers often intermarried with daughters, granddaughters, sisters and brothers to keep the throne within the family the throne still managed to shift hands multiple times; creating a dynamic, and often, complexancient pharonic history.

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