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Thursday, April 28, 2011

  • Consuls- commanded the army and directed the governmen
  • Veto- means "forbid" in Latin
  • Senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's governmen. plebians were members
  • Assembly- democratic side of Roman government. all citizen soldiers were members
  • Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws & command the army. it lasted 6 months and chosen by senetors
  • Mercenary- soldier who fights in army for pay

1. (a) Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
  • They couldn't make important decisions. 
(b) How did they win reforms?
  • They wouldn't agree to fight in the Roman army.
(c) What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
  •  They brought about The Twelve Tables.
2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
  • The romans government was balanced because it was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
  • They gave them the name of half-citizens and all gave them all rights except voting.

4. (a) At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
  • Carthage was three times the size of Rome. They were wealthy and had huge armies.

(b) Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
  • They had more than 500,000 troops. They were loyal.

5. Why was the Battle of Zarma a major turning point in history?
  • If Rome would not have won, its laws, government, andd culture would not have been passed. 
6. (a) Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
  •  Rome freed them.
(b) Why did the Greek attitude change?
  • Rome crushed all opposition to rulers favored by Rome.
  • Tarquin the proud
    • unreasonable
    • mean
    • townspeople ran him out of town
    • last roman king

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders.

gravitas- weightiness or seriousness

pater familias- dad of family

toga- uncomfortable garment.

patrician- especially privileged families


legion- military unit of men on foot. about 4,000

century- 60 smaller groups that make up the legion


  • How did geography help Rome?
    • Rome was built on hilltops. It made it easeir for them to defend and harder for their enemies to come get them.
  • Why was each of the following groups important to Romes Development? a. lantins b. greeks c etruscans.
    • Rome began as a settlement full of Latin farmers.
    • Greeks made like 45 colonies on the coast of souther Italy.
    • The Etruscans had a writing system which started Romes writing. IT was an influences on their culture.
  • What were the values of Roman society?
    • Honor in their families.
  • (a) How was the Roman household organized. (b) What freedoms did women have in society and family?
    • a. Oldest male was the man of the house. He could sell a family member into slavery if he wanted to. Pretty much the dad of the family.
    • b. In society, they were free and could own property. At home she had to sit upright in a chair when eating dinner.
  • How was the army linked to Roman Society?
    • Every male served in the army.
    • Italy- country located in south central Europe
    • Rome- capital of Italy
    • Romulus- twin brother and wanted to build a new city
    • palatine hill- center of the seven hills in Rome
    • alps- mountain range in europe
    • tiber river- 3rd longest river in italy
    • appennine mountains- mountains in italy
    • Latins- Italian tribe in central and south central italy
    • etruscans- ?
    • forum- ancient government buildings

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday in class, we had a test. I don't really know how good i did on it. We only had a one day notice, so i didn't get a lot of time to study. The test was really hard though. SOme of the stuff i don't even remember going over in class?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

  • What were the 3 orders?
    • Doric
    • Corenthian
    • Ionic

  • What is frieze?
    • Decorative little statues of people.
  • What was the date the people fist revolted against their leader?
    • 508 BC
  • What were the ancient Greek sculptures made of?
    • bronze
    • limestone
    • marble
  • What are the 5 forms of art?
    • architecture
    • sculpture
    • painting
    • pottery
    • music
  • Socrates?
    • always was asking questions
      • Socratic method
    • charged with corruption and inimpty of young mens mind
    • sentenced to death at age 70 using hemlock poisoning
  • Plato?
    • socrates people.
      • taught by him
    • had political philosphy
    • thought philosphers should be in charge
  • Describe the allagory of platos cage?
    • went againsts socratic method
    • told prisoners about everything
    • made them look straight and put on a shadow play
    • people are telling you what to do but its not true
    • let one of them go
    • came back in and prisoners didn't believe him
    • eyes had to adjust so he couldn't recognize the shadows
  • Aristotle
    • told people how to live their lives
    • produced nearly 1000 books and phamplets
    • started a school when he was 50
  • Who started the Peloponeasean war?
    • Athens or sparta
  • What was Spartas strategy?
    • attack neighboring countries
  • What was athens Strategy?
    • built walls surrounding everyone in
    • everyone got sick
    • fatal disease
  • What are the 3 main categories of drama?
    • comdedy
    • tragedy
    • satrys
  • Performed ?
    • in theatres
    • big area
    • many people were  very far away
    • seats carved into hill
    • used special masks to project voice
  • Uclid?
    • discovered geometry
  • Archimedies?
    • discovered physical displacement
    • when you put something in water and the water rises
    • used levers and pulleys

  1. Socrates
  2. Plato
  3. Aristotle

  • Alexanders Conquests
    • born in Pella, capital of Macedonia
    • son of Phillip II
    • When he was 13, Philip hired Aristotle to be Alexanders personal tutor
    • started in Macedonia and went to Egypt and then to Mesopotamia and to Persia and bactra
  • Conquests
    • first he attacked Thessaly
    • in 335 he defeated the Thracian, up through the Danube river
    • next he defeated and crushed the illyranius
    • Alexander declared war on Persia in 334 BC by defeating Persia ?
    • Alexander traveled southward where he defeated king Darius III 
    • next he conquered tyre
    • then he capture Gaza
    • then he traveled to Egypt that gave him control of the mediteranean east side ?
    • after Alexander spent about a year organizing all for his lands an preparing for his next invasions
    • arrived in Babylonia 
    • died at age of 32 from a fever
    • after his empire died, his empire was divided into four kingdoms
  • final facts
    • Alexander was known as one of the greatest leaders and had many, many conquests
    • forever be in the history books
    • liked to mix the cultures together that he conquered
  1. How old was he when he went on his first conquest?
  2. what was his goal?

I give Emily a 96% because she had good information.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday in class we watched 2 different parts of movies. We only watched the battle scenes though. The movies were actually reallyy realistic. I wasn't expecting for the horse to be killed though in the last scence we watched. Everyone ran out of the room when it got killed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

  • Alexander the Great
    • beaucefulus
    • Phillip the second is his father/dad
    • Aristotle is Alexanders tutor
    • Greeks are destined to rule
    • Athens was allowed to keep 12 ships
    • doesnt get along with father
    • when he was 20 years old he took over
    • out numbered 6-1

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


the beginning

  • in 323 bc alexander the great died in babylon, at age 32.
  • when he died , it marked the beginning of the hellenic age
  • empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
the 4 diadochoi
  • lysimachus recieved thrace and the western part of asia minor
  • ptolemy received egypt
  • selecules recieved syria, mesopotamia
  • cassander got macedonia and part of greece
important discoveries
  • 270 BC  Aristarchus a Greek astronomer discovers an astronomical break through and states that the earth revolves around the sun
  • in 250 bc  Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of specific gravity
the first Punic war
  • the first war began in 264 bc, the war was fought between Carthage and the roman republic
  • Archimedes was killed during the roman siege
  • the first Punic war ended in 241 bc when the romans defeated the Carthaginians
the second Punic war
  • the second Punic war lasted from 218-201 BC
  • Rome declared war on Spain
  • the roman empire gained land in northern Africa, span and the islands in the western Mediterranean
the third Punic war
  • the third Punic war lasted from 149-146 BC ending the Hellenic age
  • Rome demanded that the Carthaginians abandon their city and move into north Africa
  • after Carthaginians refused the romans declared war and completely slaughtered the Carthaginians
I give Amir a 95%.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


  • different time periods
  • sculpture
    • figurines
    • life size statues
  • Myron
    • Greek sculpture in the middle of the 5th century
    • sculpted athletics
  • Phidias
    • born in 470 bc
    • in Athens
    • sculpted zeus at olympius
    • sculpted symbol of Athens
  • lysippus
    • sculpted Hercules
  • polyclitus
    • can be spelled in 2 other ways
    • known for sculptures of young athletes
    • none of his original survived
    • sculpted from the side
    • phidias was his rival
      • phidias was better
  • praxiteles
    • not a lot about his life
    • father was a sculpture too
    • only one sculpture has survived
    • did work in marble
  • scopas
    • worked on temples
    • wandered from place to place
    • located at museum in athens

1. Why were there different time periods?
2. How long did each time period last?
3. How else can polytictus be spelled?

I give madi a 95 because she had a lot of facts but she read a lot of it.


  • Greek drama is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece
  • tragedy
    • late 6th century
  • comedy
    • 486 BC
  • took their entertainment very seriously
  • comedy plays
    • comedy was important
  • tragedy deals with the big themes of love, loss, pride the abuse of power and the fought relationships between men and gods. many of the love plays still happens today in reality
  • satyr plays
    • these short plays were performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of the plight of the tragedy's characters
  • theater buildings were called a theatron the theaters were large open air structures constructed
  • th orchestra was a large circular area where they would play, dance, religious rites
  • skene
    • backdrops
  • play was comprised of amateurs not pros
  • usually all men , even for female parts
  • masks were made of linen or cork, so none have survived
  1. Did they take their comedy plays seriously too?
  2. is satyr the same as comedy?
  3. Why did they use cork masks?
I give mark a 100 because he had a lot of facts and it was easy to follow.

  • Trojan was
    • took place in many places other than troy
    • goal was to shorten the supplies that were getting to troy so they would have to surrender
    • greatest events in Greek mythology
    • the date of the Trojan was from 1194-1184 bc
    • in the mythological version of the Trojan was the warriors are able to sneak inside the walls of troy with a giant horse built out of wood that they hid inside of
    • some people speculate that the horse existed
  • the peloponnesian
    • 431- 404 bc
    • the cause of the Peloponnesian war was that Sparta was getting nervous about the growing power of Athens so they went to war
    • the main thing that made them nervous was the power that the Athenian navy had
    • Spartans had a good strategy
    • war caused the Athenian economy to crash
    • war ended with the Spartans capturing the Athenian navy
  • Greek weapons
    • shield
    • spear
    • ballista- siege weapon that could fire multiple arrows at long ranges
    • dagger
    • catapult
  • Alexander the great
    • greatest commander of all time
    • undefeated in battle
    • took over Persian empire and decided that he wanted to control all of the known world
    • able to capture the Persian empires with just an army of 42,000 strong 
  • eudemus
    • one of Alexanders generals
    • appointed by him to command the troops left in India
    • took the territories of the Indian king and put him to death
I give Jason a 98 because he had a lot of facts and knew a lot about his subject!

1. How did alexander the great die?
2. How did they select their generals?
3. Did alexander ever get stabbed or hit?

Friday, April 8, 2011


  • collected data from random subjects that he met
    • often no responses
  • wanted to share his knowledge with the world
  • led to philosopher Plato
  • Socrates questions proposed radical thinking
    • people didn't like it
    • considered disrespectful to the gods
  • charged with:
    • impiety
    • corruption of young mens minds
    • couldn't charge them with political laws so they charged him with religious issues
  • Peloponnesen war
    • between Sparta and Athens
  • The trial
    • started in 399 bce
    • large trial in front of Athenian jury
    • convicted of charges
    • sentenced to death at 70 years old
    • had to drink hemlock
      • poisonous plant
      • falls into unconscious
      • grow cold and rigid
  1. What does non democratic thinking mean?

I give her a 96% because she had a lot of facts.


  • extince in greece from the end of the mycenean period until the 7th century
  • built temples, tombs, public meeting places, stadiums, amitheaters, and many other things
  • parenon in rom is an example of the format of what the ancinent greek buildings looked like
  • doric order
    • oldest and simplest of the greek order's
    • was used first
  • ionic order
    • used around 500 bc 
    • fancier than the doric
  • the corinthian order
    • began around the same time as the ionic order
    • ornate and had bell shaped tops
I give her a 97% because she had a lot of facts and presented it really well!

  • age of pericles
    • golden age of greece
    • pericles was the leader at the time
    • economic and military power of the world
    • began after the Athenians defeated the Persians, one of the most powerful armies in the world
    • Pericles
      • aristocrat
      • led Athens into their golden age
      • made golden age end
      • built the Parthenon
      • gave people power to vote for the leaders of the state
      • started the Peloponnese war
      • built the Parthenon on the acropolis to show off the greatness of Greece
      • Athens became an economic power of the Mediterranean world and also became a military power
      • Athens became the head of the delian league
      • Parthenon
        • build of the ruins of temples that were burned down 20 years before
        • built atop the acropolis to show it off
        • took 15 years and was was the high point of Greece
        • cost 5000 talons- 1 billion dollars
        • inside was a statue of Athena
      • cultural events
        • many famous plays were written
        • dramas and tragedies were invented as plays during this time, a big part of greek culture
        • comedies came into being too
      • scientific breakthroughs
        • looked more into volcanoes and earthquakes
        • Archimedes screw
          • used to transfer water to a higher location
        • aqueducts and bridges
          • used to move water to Greece
      • end of golden age
        •  the golden age ended when Athens started the Peloponnese war and lost to Sparta
        • their powerful navy was defeated so they had lost their advantageI
I give him a 97% because he had a lot of facts and could explain them but it was a lot.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

  1. Why was Antisthenes so important?
  • Aristotle founded logic theory
    • went to exile voluntarily
  • Thales
    • first ever western philosopher
    • no writing survived
    • one of the seven wise men of Greece
    • traveled to Egypt to study the science of geometry
  • Greek philosophy
    • first in the west to explore nature in a rational way and to make educated guesses about the creation of the world
  • Allegory of the cave
  • The unexamined life is not worth living.- Socrates.
I give Colleen a 100%.

Hellentic Age
  • started when alexander the great die
  • greece was conquered

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

  1. Why did they hate math?
  2. How many miles was the earth's circumfrence?

I give her a 99%. 

  • Doubts that he was real
  • born in greece
  • court singer and storyteller
  • homer probably didn't make up the illidad or odyssey himself
  • odyssey- travels of odysseus
  • doubtful that homer wrote them
  • died natural death
  1. How did he write the stories if he was blind?
  2. Was he famous?
  3. What were his writing styles?

I give her a 94%.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today is the first day of the fourth. I got all my grades up to passing last quarter. Today in class we presented our powerpoints/presentations to other people in our class before we present them to the whole class. I think that I am well prepared for it. I hope i get a good grade on it because i worked really hard and i want to start the fourth quarter off good!