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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


the beginning

  • in 323 bc alexander the great died in babylon, at age 32.
  • when he died , it marked the beginning of the hellenic age
  • empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
the 4 diadochoi
  • lysimachus recieved thrace and the western part of asia minor
  • ptolemy received egypt
  • selecules recieved syria, mesopotamia
  • cassander got macedonia and part of greece
important discoveries
  • 270 BC  Aristarchus a Greek astronomer discovers an astronomical break through and states that the earth revolves around the sun
  • in 250 bc  Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of specific gravity
the first Punic war
  • the first war began in 264 bc, the war was fought between Carthage and the roman republic
  • Archimedes was killed during the roman siege
  • the first Punic war ended in 241 bc when the romans defeated the Carthaginians
the second Punic war
  • the second Punic war lasted from 218-201 BC
  • Rome declared war on Spain
  • the roman empire gained land in northern Africa, span and the islands in the western Mediterranean
the third Punic war
  • the third Punic war lasted from 149-146 BC ending the Hellenic age
  • Rome demanded that the Carthaginians abandon their city and move into north Africa
  • after Carthaginians refused the romans declared war and completely slaughtered the Carthaginians
I give Amir a 95%.

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