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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


  • different time periods
  • sculpture
    • figurines
    • life size statues
  • Myron
    • Greek sculpture in the middle of the 5th century
    • sculpted athletics
  • Phidias
    • born in 470 bc
    • in Athens
    • sculpted zeus at olympius
    • sculpted symbol of Athens
  • lysippus
    • sculpted Hercules
  • polyclitus
    • can be spelled in 2 other ways
    • known for sculptures of young athletes
    • none of his original survived
    • sculpted from the side
    • phidias was his rival
      • phidias was better
  • praxiteles
    • not a lot about his life
    • father was a sculpture too
    • only one sculpture has survived
    • did work in marble
  • scopas
    • worked on temples
    • wandered from place to place
    • located at museum in athens

1. Why were there different time periods?
2. How long did each time period last?
3. How else can polytictus be spelled?

I give madi a 95 because she had a lot of facts but she read a lot of it.


  • Greek drama is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece
  • tragedy
    • late 6th century
  • comedy
    • 486 BC
  • took their entertainment very seriously
  • comedy plays
    • comedy was important
  • tragedy deals with the big themes of love, loss, pride the abuse of power and the fought relationships between men and gods. many of the love plays still happens today in reality
  • satyr plays
    • these short plays were performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of the plight of the tragedy's characters
  • theater buildings were called a theatron the theaters were large open air structures constructed
  • th orchestra was a large circular area where they would play, dance, religious rites
  • skene
    • backdrops
  • play was comprised of amateurs not pros
  • usually all men , even for female parts
  • masks were made of linen or cork, so none have survived
  1. Did they take their comedy plays seriously too?
  2. is satyr the same as comedy?
  3. Why did they use cork masks?
I give mark a 100 because he had a lot of facts and it was easy to follow.

  • Trojan was
    • took place in many places other than troy
    • goal was to shorten the supplies that were getting to troy so they would have to surrender
    • greatest events in Greek mythology
    • the date of the Trojan was from 1194-1184 bc
    • in the mythological version of the Trojan was the warriors are able to sneak inside the walls of troy with a giant horse built out of wood that they hid inside of
    • some people speculate that the horse existed
  • the peloponnesian
    • 431- 404 bc
    • the cause of the Peloponnesian war was that Sparta was getting nervous about the growing power of Athens so they went to war
    • the main thing that made them nervous was the power that the Athenian navy had
    • Spartans had a good strategy
    • war caused the Athenian economy to crash
    • war ended with the Spartans capturing the Athenian navy
  • Greek weapons
    • shield
    • spear
    • ballista- siege weapon that could fire multiple arrows at long ranges
    • dagger
    • catapult
  • Alexander the great
    • greatest commander of all time
    • undefeated in battle
    • took over Persian empire and decided that he wanted to control all of the known world
    • able to capture the Persian empires with just an army of 42,000 strong 
  • eudemus
    • one of Alexanders generals
    • appointed by him to command the troops left in India
    • took the territories of the Indian king and put him to death
I give Jason a 98 because he had a lot of facts and knew a lot about his subject!

1. How did alexander the great die?
2. How did they select their generals?
3. Did alexander ever get stabbed or hit?

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