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Thursday, April 28, 2011

  • Consuls- commanded the army and directed the governmen
  • Veto- means "forbid" in Latin
  • Senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's governmen. plebians were members
  • Assembly- democratic side of Roman government. all citizen soldiers were members
  • Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws & command the army. it lasted 6 months and chosen by senetors
  • Mercenary- soldier who fights in army for pay

1. (a) Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
  • They couldn't make important decisions. 
(b) How did they win reforms?
  • They wouldn't agree to fight in the Roman army.
(c) What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
  •  They brought about The Twelve Tables.
2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
  • The romans government was balanced because it was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
  • They gave them the name of half-citizens and all gave them all rights except voting.

4. (a) At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
  • Carthage was three times the size of Rome. They were wealthy and had huge armies.

(b) Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
  • They had more than 500,000 troops. They were loyal.

5. Why was the Battle of Zarma a major turning point in history?
  • If Rome would not have won, its laws, government, andd culture would not have been passed. 
6. (a) Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
  •  Rome freed them.
(b) Why did the Greek attitude change?
  • Rome crushed all opposition to rulers favored by Rome.

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