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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday in class, we had a test. I don't really know how good i did on it. We only had a one day notice, so i didn't get a lot of time to study. The test was really hard though. SOme of the stuff i don't even remember going over in class?


  1. "One day notice"?

    Go back and read my blogs for last Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Plus we talked about the test in class numerous times.

    Your statement worries me.

  2. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 21/25
    2) 21/25
    3) 23/25
    4) 21/25

    Total: 86/100

    A little more information about Greek poetry, rather than just brief bios of some poets, would have been helpful. A frequent comment from your peers was that you didn't seem to "get" what your report was about. More research and more focus will help with that.

    (Your classmates gave you a 94, which was actually below the class average.)
